City of Portales:
Wastewater Treatment Plant and Reuse System
The City of Portales hired Smith to prepare a final PER for additional improvements and expansion of the WWTP that includes an innovative extended aeration treatment process to address domestic and industrial wastewater and a new effluent reuse distribution system (class 1A and [TN] <10 mg/L). After the PER and associated funding procurement process was completed and approved, the City selected Smith to design the recommended WWTP and Class A Biosolids Facility as well as the design of the new effluent reuse and city-wide distribution system. In addition to the WWTP upgrades, Smith designed two Reclaimed Water Storage Ponds. At the WWTP, a 11.4 million gallon HDPE lined storage pond was designed and constructed. After tertiary filtration to achieve Class 1A effluent and disinfection, the reclaimed water is pumped around the City to irrigate city parks and provide water to fire hydrants (See photo to the left). For storage, Smith designed an ornamental reclaimed water storage pond with a fountain and fine bubble aeration. The fine bubble aeration is meant to minimize algae growth. The pond is lined with a HDPE liner which is then covered with large rocks to prevent people and animals from slipping into the water.
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